News (Page 15)

General News

Pastor’s Desk 10.30.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk All Saints Day and all Souls Day ALL SAINTS DAY: A ‘Happy’ Holy Day [of Obligation]Tuesday, November 1st, we celebrate all those countless persons who are in heaven, but do not have a special “feast day.” They are of all kinds and varieties: young and old, jolly and reserved, introverted and extroverted, active and contemplative, slim and not-so…

Pastor’s Desk 10.23.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk On our bulletin Board near the back door of church you will see some posters that advocate saying no to Proposition 1. Some might say that this is a violation of ‘Separation of Church and State’. It is not. As a Church, even as a ‘Non-Profit, we are free to advocate for policies and legislation and so we…

Pastor’s Desk 10.16.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk So, why pray? What were the words you used the last time you prayed? I mean, really prayed, not just grace before meals or ‘Now I lay Me Down To Sleep’; but a heartfelt prayer. Was it words like, please or I want? Words like I need or Why don’t you? Or was it words like; Thank you…

Pastor’s Desk 10.9.22

……from your Pastor’s Desk What the Nine Lepers got Right This weekend we have the story of the ten lepers who asked Jesus for healing. Lots of times, when we hear this story, nine of the lepers are portrayed as ungrateful. A word or two on their behalf is in order. They all approached Jesus and called out to him “Jesus, Master,…

Pastor’s Desk 10.2.22

……from your Pastor’s Desk Learning from him “Lord, increase our faith,” said the apostles in today’s Gospel. Elsewhere they asked him, “Lord teach us how to pray” (Lk 11:1). In essence the two requests were the same. To pray is to focus our heart on God, to have faith in God’s concern for us. Every prayer renews our trust in God, and…