General News
From Holy Spirit Facebook post 7/2/2022: Here is a link to this week’s video Mass: You may also view the Mass video here:
General News
From Holy Spirit Facebook post 7/2/2022: Here is a link to this week’s video Mass: You may also view the Mass video here:
……from your Pastor’s Desk Independence Day How many people this weekend as they grill their hot dogs, drink their beer, light off their sparklers and fireworks – will stop for even a few moments and bow their head in gratitude? How many will try to think of creative ways to share their abundance with those who do not even have the basic…
From Holy Spirit Facebook post 6/26/2022: There is a major error in the parish bulletin this week that indicates YouTube and weekday Masses are “on hold” until further notice. There is NO change in our usual schedule!
From Holy Spirit Facebook post 6/25/2022: We welcome Fr. Ron back as he celebrates Mass for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Here is a link to the Mass recording: You may also view the Mass video here:
……from your Pastor’s Desk Nobody Sunday? For the last 16 Weekends every Sunday has had a title from ‘The First Sunday of Lent’ on March 6th up until last week’s feast of ‘The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ’. So, when I first looked at the readings for today – I saw it was just ‘The 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time’.…
From Holy Spirit Facebook post 6/18/2022: Unfortunately, due to Fr. Ron’s convalescence we are again unable to post a current video. Instead, we are posting a video link to a Corpus Christi mass from last year: Thank you for your understanding. You may also view the Mass video here:
……from your Pastor’s Desk HAPPY FATHER’S DAY I am constantly amazed at how God can bring good out of bad. Case in point, I can’t tell you how many fathers got to spend time with their children over these last 2 years. Unplanned, of course, but to see them in the courtyard with their little ones teaching them to ride a bike,…
From Holy Spirit Facebook post 6/11/2022: Due to Fr. Ron’s hospitalization we were unable to provide a video Mass this week. Here is a link to our “oldie but goodie” Mass for Trinity Sunday 2020: You may also view the Mass video here:
……from your Pastor’s Desk The Mystery of The Most Holy Trinity It is Jesus Himself who teaches us the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. The Gospel today, from Saint John, is clear that Jesus understood both Father and Spirit. The development of this doctrine takes time because Jesus was not a teacher of philosophy or of theology. Jesus lived the mystery…
Please join the parish in praying for the rapid recovery of our Pastor, Fr. Ron Serban, who underwent an emergency appendectomy on Tuesday, June 7. He will remain in the hospital for a few days, then will return home for additional recuperation. He is not presently able to have any visitors. All Parish activities will continue on schedule and the hours for…