…from your Pastor’s Desk
Annual Ministry Appeal. I want to start by assuring you that not a single penny of the monies collected go to any legal defense or settlements. All monies collected go only to the specific ministries mentioned in the informational packet.
That being said, the A.M.A. is something you are very familiar with. For many years Holy Spirit Parish has been very generous and timely in your response to this appeal. Nice.
So – why do we have this A.M.A. every year? Don’t we send the diocese money every month anyway? Well…yes. Let me take a few moments now to explain the relationship between Parish and Diocese. All Roman Catholic parishes worldwide, including ours, do not stand alone as separate entities. They only exist as part of a Diocese – we only exist as part of the Diocese of Santa Rosa – which is a part of the Archdiocese of San Francisco and on and up all the way to The Vatican.
The Church gives us spiritual guidance and direction. To achieve this, it depends upon a formal hierarchical and institutional structure for administrative purposes. Similar to secular organizations and institutions it is dependent upon its constituents for its support – both financial and in our case – spiritual. Here at our parish, we take in a weekly collection to meet our weekly expenses. The Diocese does not have such a capacity. They depend on private benefactors and the individual parishes to fund the various programs that serve each parish and the Diocese as a whole.
So, how are these monies collected and amounts determined? Each parish is assessed a figure based on previous years ‘plate’ and other contributions. This year our portion towards the A.M.A. is $34,900 [last years was $33,268. If by chance we exceed our goal, then 100% of that excess comes right back to us. I have looked into our assessment in comparison to the assessment of all the other parishes and can say that this is fair in that evaluation.
BEFORE I CONTINUE – THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT – ANY CHECK OR CASH CONTRIBUTION MUST HAVE OUR NAME – HOLY SPIRIT PARISH ON IT – so that we get the credit towards our goal. Speaking of which, we can no longer donate to a specific ministry. If you do specify so, it will not count toward our over all goal.
Some of you have already received an A.M.A. mailing, some will this week. We have about 600 households registered in our parish. Some households have already contributed. Some households will contribute soon. Some of you are new here this year so did not receive a mailing. To facilitate the process there will be an ‘in-pew’ solicitation soon at all the masses.
Envelopes and pencils will be available and you can take a few moments to write your contribution amount and how you will provide it [Check, Money Order, Cash, Credit Card, etc.]. The envelopes are self-explanatory. I prefer that you drop them in our collection basket or at the parish office. But if you have already contributed via mail – there is no need to fill out another one. We will collect the envelopes at the end of Mass – and send them all together, or you can bring it to the next Mass you attend here, or mail them in yourself. Whichever way you choose – it is imperative that they know you are sending it from this parish so we get full credit towards our goal. Okay? Okay…
Again: Not one cent of monies collected through the A.M.A. goes towards any legal or settlement fees. They ONLY go to the specific ministries mentioned in the informational packets.
Just so you know I have personally pledged $200.00. So – only $34,700 more to go! My hope is that with each household giving what they can, 100% participation can be a reality. Together – we can do this!
God bless you, our Parish and our Diocese.
Father Ron