……from the Pastor’s Desk

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King Junior. To some of us reading this, these names bring back memories of personal experiences during the turbulent times of the sixties and seventies; the start of the Civil Rights Movement, the Catholic Worker Houses and the beginning of the changes that are still in process today to make this country one of equality for all people. Note: Still in Process. To those that weren’t born yet these names might as well be Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony and Harriet Tubman. Great historical figures all. We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Many, like Jesus Himself, shedding their blood for the good of others, for the good of all. Let them and their work be not forgotten. Let us also not delegate Jesus as merely a great historical figure.
January 17th, the United States of America celebrates the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., (1929 – 1968). He led millions of people in a non-violent movement to bring an end to the segregation of races in the United States. Martin was not alone in his non-violence stance. Throughout history men and woman have stood against the hateful ‘subjectification’ of people due to race, creed or place of origin. Many have died for this cause. Many more will.
We all are tragically made aware of how violent our world has become, indeed our own nation. The horrific, vicious shootings and bombings of recent memory will resonate for years to come and sadly, yet hopefully, serve as a reminder that the work begun by such men as Martin Luther King Jr., is never done.
His words eloquently express his passion and faith: “You ought to believe something in life, believe that thing so fervently that you will stand up with it till the end of your days…” He was assassinated on April 4, 1968.
We pray in thanksgiving for his life and witness. His was indeed a prophetic voice. Was he perfect? No. Did he have flaws? As do we all. As did all the saints and martyrs. Which is why we humbly ask the God of Justice to help us reflect on ways in which we can live our lives – as Jesus did and Martin Luther King Jr. did and as did so many throughout time who stood up for others – so that we may become enthused with a thirst for justice for all women and men…..in all cultures and in all nations.
Let us resolve today to make 2025 a more ‘just’ year in our own parish and community because of our own words and deeds.
We ask the God of Mercy to help us so that we may live justly and compassionately in our families, our places of work, our places of recreation, our places of worship, and in all our actions. We fervently ask this, Lord, in the name of your Son Jesus, the Prince of Peace, the guiding witness and light for Martin Luther King, Jr., and his followers.
I have chosen to close the Parish Office in honor of all those women and men who fought so bravely for the rights of all people. And, for those who still do today.
Use the day wisely. Join those who pray for peace and an end to all violence. Mass is at 9am.
Father Ron