……from your Pastor’s Desk

We are on the verge of another year. Hard to believe that Saturday will be 2022!
It also means that we have another Holy Day to celebrate! A very special feast day. Saturday was Christmas, today is the feast of The Holy Family. This coming Saturday, we celebrate: ‘Mary, The Holy Mother Of God’ – the most ancient of Marian Feasts and one of extreme importance in defining who we are as Roman Catholics. I’ll address this in my upcoming homily that day.
Our conventionally singling out this day as the beginning of the New Year offers us a twofold opportunity to benefit from its occurrence.
First, it is an opportunity to look back on the year just completed, in order to gain faith perspective on what transpired in our lives during that time span, so as to thank God for our good experiences of the past year, and also to recognize any mistakes, and to pray for help in learning from them.
Secondly, this day presents an opportunity to look ahead in faith projection with a sense of hope. Not with the wishful pseudo -hope that painful things will not happen to us, but with the assured trust that, even if they do happen, God will be with us to give us strength to keep on journeying through those dark-valley experiences. Here is the Mass schedule for the Holy Day Masses:
12 O’clock Midnight Mass (Starts at the stroke of the New Year)
January 1st – 10:30 am Mass
NOTE: The Saturday night 5pm Mass on January 1st will be the Vigil Mass
for Sunday (Jan 2nd) – The Epiphany, NOT Mary, Mother of God.
I pray you will have a Blessed New Year.
I pray it be one of gentle surprises and fulfilled wishes.
I pray we all grow closer to God and each other as we journey together in faith.
For – The best IS yet to come.
Father Ron