……from your Pastor’s Desk
To Raise the World
The First Reading is about the call of Isaiah: “Whom shall I send?” The next two readings are about the apostles, those who were sent by Jesus to carry his message and carry on his work.
Who are Jesus’ apostles in our world? Whom will God send today?
When God wants to send a message of love to the outcasts of this world who will say
“Here I am; send me!”
When God wants someone to speak out in the halls of government on behalf of the voiceless who will say
“Here I am; send me!”
When all the world marches out to war and God needs someone to march in the opposite direction, a messenger of peace who will say
“Here I am; send me!”
As the world suffers from the ill effects of the injustice it has caused, and the Church offers a way out through its social teaching, where are the Catholics who will bring that message to the world? Who will say
“Here I am; send me!”
The Christian calling has to do with what is known in Catholic social thought as the common good. “Watch over Your family and keep us safe in Your care.” Christians are called to work for the good of the human family. It is an urgent task, requiring people who have a sense of God’s justice and are committed to peacemaking.

Whom will God send?
Pope John Paul I, Message of August 27, 1978.
“We are all struggling to raise the world to a condition of greater justice, more stable peace, more sincere cooperation. We invite all of you and encourage you, from the humblest who are the underpinning of nations to heads of state responsible for each nation—we encourage you to build up an efficacious and responsible structure for a new order, one more just and honest.”
Father Ron