…from your Pastor’s Desk
All Saints Day and all Souls Day
ALL SAINTS DAY: A ‘Happy’ Holy Day [of Obligation]
Tuesday, November 1st, we celebrate all those countless persons who are in heaven, but do not have a special “feast day.” They are of all kinds and varieties: young and old, jolly and reserved, introverted and extroverted, active and contemplative, slim and not-so slim, and so on. They have one thing in common: They loved God above all things, and tried to serve Him in every aspect of their lives.
This is our calling as well. All of us are called to be saints. So then, let us pledge that we shall be loyal to the Lord at all times in order that we may join all the saints in heaven.
This is a Holy Day of Obligation, which bears the same weight as a Sunday – which means that all Catholics are to make every effort to attend Mass. We will offer a morning and an evening Mass to accommodate your attendance.
All Saints Day Masses: Tuesday, Nov. 1st at 9 am and 6:30 pm
ALL SOULS DAY: Wednesday, November 2nd, is the day the whole church throughout the entire world honors its beloved dead. We pray for the souls in Purgatory who will one day pray for our souls when they are in heaven and we are in Purgatory.
There is a long-standing (and honorable) practice of submitting the names of your beloved deceased to be included in the masses of that day. I take that one step further and keep them on the altar during the entire month of November. Envelopes are available upon which to write their names. Some of you might wish to include an offering in the envelope, but that is not necessary, but please still do submit the names of deceased family and friends you wish included on our list. That is what is most important to me so I can pray for them by name. You can put them in the collection basket with your weekly offering, or you can submit names any time this coming month, either at Mass or by dropping your envelope by the office or in the office mail slot.
Even though All Souls Day is not a ‘Holy Day of Obligation’, I know that many of you want to attend mass that day to pray those loves ones who have ‘gone before us marked with the sign of faith’. So, accordingly, we also will offer a morning and an evening Mass to accommodate your attendance.
All Souls Day Masses: Wednesday, Nov. 2nd at 9 am and 6:30 pm
Father Ron

PS: Set Your Clocks! Daylight Savings ends next Sunday, November 6th at 2am. Clocks are moved back one hour from 2am to 1am standard time. The phrase “spring forward, fall back” is a helpful reminder of these time changes. Enjoy the extra hour of sleep!