…from your Pastor’s Desk
Celebrating First Holy Communion and Confirmation
Some of the happiest moments priests have are to see members of their flock receive Sacraments for the first time. Knowing the many, many hours, even years, of classes and preparation it takes and finally coming to that moment, well, there is nothing quite like it.
Since I spent a good deal of my priesthood in the Army as a Chaplain, and since Army personnel – Chaplains included –get moved to a different post every four or so years, I have not had, like most priests, the honor to see those I baptized then receive Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and then Confirmation and even Holy Matrimony! It is a blessing to see this in motion here. For the first time in as long as I can remember I will be able to see some of our younger parishioners – whom I baptized, receive their First Holy Communion. And, a few whom I gave their first Holy Communion just a few years ago – be Confirmed.

In this next week we will have a number of our youth receiving Sacraments. On Saturday morning May 6th at 11am, we will have the Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop Robert F. Vasa will seal with the fullness of the Holy Spirit our Confirmandi. Another beautiful example of how God cares for us in His plan for our salvation. Strengthened by the Spirit – they will do great things.

On Sunday, May 7th at 1pm, what great joy we will have to witness our children receiving for the very first time – the Body of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ [at this time we are still restricted from offering the Precious Blood]. As Roman Catholics we are a Eucharist based people. Our life revolves around the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Please pray for all our children receiving the Sacraments next weekend.
People say that the young are leaving the church or showing no interest in it. Hmmm…wonder where they get THAT idea?
Father Ron