…from your Pastor’s Desk
Start up your time-machines or jump into your DeLorean – because we are going ‘Back To The Future’.
Here is an excerpt from our Parish bulletin dated July 13, 2014. Which was, coincidentally, the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A – just like this weekend. And which, coincidently, was the first weekend of my assignment here. So…
“I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since Monday when I arrived. Words cannot express how happy I am to be here. I have always had a special place in my heart for Holy Spirit parish [my first – 32 years ago] and enjoyed over the years stopping by here for various Masses or Memorial Services. I honestly always hoped that one day I could return, and by the Grace of God – here I am!”
That was nine years ago. Seems like less sometimes. But, with all the power outages, the fires, the evacuations, the pandemic, and now my having to live elsewhere for up to a year due to the repair and restoration of the Parish House, well, sometimes it seems like much more.
Yet here we are. Survivors. In these last 9 years, the parish has grown substantially. Many new faces. Many families. Many new programs and projects coming up.
We also lost some parishioners. We have ‘commended’ a great number parishioners into God’s loving hands in these last nine years. Especially this year.
It has been an interesting nine years. I’ve had many health issues. Many personal and Personnel issues had to be dealt with. But we have. Many tears have been shed. Sad tears and happy tears because we’ve also had many Baptisms and Weddings and First Holy Communions and Confirmations.
So, here we are again: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A – but now – 2023!
Hey, I don’t know about you, but nine years later – I’m still smiling, well, mostly. And, as has been my Valediction for many years:
The Best is yet to come!
I still believe that. I believe it because of you. You who have stood strong through all that this faith community has been through, especially the time of isolation [before we started having mass outside] and not being able to worship or socialize in person with your Holy Spirit brothers and sisters.
Now, as far as the future goes. Who knows? Regulations, restrictions, allowances and permissions seem to change daily. We are told it can be up to a year before Parish House can be up to full -speed again. You know what though, that is okay. The church, although a Sacred Space [and we all are glad we can gather without restrictions], is just a building. YOU are the church. And I know that you are still here.
And I know you are taking care of each other. That’s cool. You got it!
God Bless You.
All those you love.
And all those who love you. Me 🙂
Father Ron