from your Pastor’s Desk…
If somebody does you wrong – do you wrong them right back, or even greater? Well, maybe you do – but the Gospel today shows us how, in great detail, we are to do otherwise, especially those within our own community, be it faith or family. This includes slander, public shame, taking what is rightfully yours, and all the other commandments they may have broken ‘on’ you.
So, what’s the plan then?
Well, try going right to the person and let them know what, in your estimation, they did to you in either, or both, word and deed. This is not a chance to ‘dump’ on them, or rage against them. It is a true attempt to try and work things out. And, you may be partially to blame. Be ready to admit that. You want to heal, not cause more harm, or be further injured.
So – if THAT doesn’t work.
Our Lord says to bring some buddies along. Those who can testify to what it is you are trying to do. This is not to ‘gang-up’ on the offender.
Ok, so what if THAT doesn’t work either?
In that case, take it up a notch further: ‘tell the church’, as Jesus said.
Continue to give effort. In time you might find resolution. But, stay honest and compassionate. Remember you are looking out for their welfare as well as your own.
The first readings support these actions where it says to warn the person who has ‘wronged’ you. To show them the error of their ways and how it can lead to their own destruction.
And the second reading has that famous, yet sometimes EXTREMELY difficult verse: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’
Wow. That’s asking A LOT in some cases, and, it presumes we do love ourselves.
I remember a priest once telling me that we are called to love everyone – but it doesn’t mean we have to like their behavior. Hmmm. Still makes sense.
Hey, none of us are perfect and we ourselves may have been on the receiving end a few times of the three aforementioned attempts. Afterall, we are ‘only human’. And, for that matter, so are they.
I think the best advice given here is to try and work things out as soon and as simply as possible – before it grows to insurmountable proportions.
In addition to all the above, pray about it. Seek the Lord’s guidance and goodness, and remember how Loving and Forgiving He as been towards you.

And if THAT doesn’t work.
Oh, yea, never mind – that WILL work!
Father Ron