…from your Pastor’s Desk

How to Overcome the Darkness of Anxiety
-Speak with the authority and humility of a Child of God.
-Have a place where you belong and can pray.
-Have people in your life who call you their kin or neighbor.
-Find good or Holy ways of keeping anxiety far from your person so you may live fully for the greater Glory of God.
We are called to speak as Christ spoke. Christ speaks to us even today through Scared Scripture and through other members of the body of Christ, even [or especially] the ones we would rather not listen to for a variety of reasons.
We may find ourselves worrying about both the things of the Lord and things of the world as the second reading invites us to ponder over today.
This week’s readings are about speaking and preaching from a place of humility and authority.
We are called to speak the Word of God as Christ did and worry about nothing that distracts us from that which brings us closer to God.
We are also prompted to keep a close sense of the nature of our distractions, especially those tied to our vocations and our path towards God.
After all is said and done, when you hear God call you by name, do not be afraid to show yourself, to come out, teach with authority, and preach with your life as you lead with humility.
Let us pray: Loving and merciful God, help me rise out of the darkness of any anxieties so I may live and teach with authority and humility as a Child of God. Amen.
Father Ron