……from the Pastor’s Desk

Bearing Fruit for God
All parables make us ponder what they might mean.
Today, Jesus imagines a withering fig tree that has failed to bear fruit for the past three years.
The reaction of the owner seems quite normal.
That fig tree must be cut down because it is only wasting space in the vineyard.
Top 10 Things Catholics Believe
Wed. March 26TH 7-8 pm
This is a topic I teach every few years to our Adult Education Class. Some who attend are in the process of becoming Catholic and other attendees are often surprised to learn the ‘How’s’ and ‘Why’s’, of our beliefs. And, although you think the Top 10 would be set in stone, when I elicit responses from folks [as I did this week] they do tend to shift a bit. It is not that we change our belief in them – it is that in any given moment one might be predominant over another. It is a very interactive class and I encourage active participation.
Here are a few topics that always come up:
- Body and Blood of Christ are really that and remain so.
- The Pope is the direct successor all the way back to Peter.
- The Trinity.
- Mary’s on-going role in salvation.
And usually during the end of class we get into a few Top Things that Catholics do NOT believe, although others, and even a few of ourselves – think we do. So, come join us.
And bring your list! 🙂
Father Ron
But the gardener had a different perspective. Looking closely at the ailing fig tree he saw that with care it could still bear fruit. Experience had taught him a more hopeful vision.
With the help of some fertilizer all was not lost and the fig tree could revive and fruit again.
This is how God regards us.
In spite of what we have failed to do up to now,
-God knows all we are capable of doing in the future.
God sees the potential in each of us; and indeed, that is how we must regard each other and everything in life, with… hopeful eyes.
Like the vineyard gardener, we need to be patient, able to wait, ready to see beneath the unpromising surface… to the faint green shoots of new potential.
PS: There is more about ‘fig-trees’ in Sacred Scripture, as in what they stand for…
But that is another story, for another time…
Blessing and Mercy,
Father Ron