26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.29.24

Sunday’s Readings: Numbers 11:25-29; Psalms 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14; James 5:1-6; Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

……from the Pastor’s Desk

St. Francis and the Blessing of Animals
Saturday, October 5th at 11 am in our plaza.

As many of you already know, years ago, many Franciscan priests and brothers served in our Diocese. At one time they covered all of Lake County. And, as some of you also know, I, too, have a Franciscan background. There is still evidence of our Franciscan roots throughout the Diocese. The spirit of Francis lives on, especially more so now with our beloved Pope Francis.

St. Francis is perhaps the most popular and well-known saint. He is famous for his love of animals and is often depicted surrounded by them—preaching to all who will hear. He is said to have often ‘blessed’ the animals and a tradition has developed around the world to do so every year on or near his feast day.

And so, since this year his feast day, October 4th, falls on a Friday, our ‘Blessing of Animals’ will be held on Saturday, October 5th at 11: am in our plaza. All animals are invited (including birds, fish and reptiles), but kindly bring leashes, and, as necessary, muzzles or cages for any ‘over-enthusiastic’ pets. Since many animals are both predator and prey to other animals – please advise them that Brunch WILL NOT BE SERVED!!! 🙂

We will try to separate the animals by type. If your pet ‘does not-get-along-well-with others’, or if they are difficult to unload (horses, large dogs, very aggressive cats and such) I can come to your vehicle for the blessing. This event is open to all animals – Catholic or not 🙂 invite your friends and their pets. We will have tokens of the blessing for the animals and their owners…or is it the other way around?

Peace be to all God’s Creatures; great and small.

Father Ron