1st Sunday of Advent 12.1.24

Sunday’s Readings: Jeremiah 33:14-16; Psalms 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14; 1 Thessalonians 3:12—4:2; Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

……from the Pastor’s Desk

Advent To-Do List

People ask me what they can ‘do’ during Advent to make it more meaningful. Lent has pretty clear-cut things, but Advent – not so much. In that light here is a practical Advent ‘To-Do-List. Try a few each day, even random numbers. Your world and the world of those around you will be a better place. You’ll See.

  1. Smile often. It’s infectious – isn’t it? (Learned this one from my Mom)
  2. Pray like you mean it. That is, Pray what you mean and mean what you pray.
    (Learned that one from God)
  3. Tell those that you love… that you do. In words…
  4. Rediscover old friends. Make that call. Send that Email.
  5. Make new ones. Engage – interact –open up!
  6. Hope. As I always say – ‘The Best is Yet to Come’.
  7. Give when you can. Time is your greatest treasure.
  8. Give in – when it is the right thing to do. Stop arguing or fighting.
  9. Buy some flowers. 9b. Take time to smell them. 9c. Share them.
  10. Keep a promise – even if it is… to you.
  11. Laugh often – even if it is AT you!
  12. Reach out. An open hand does more good that a clenched fist ever could.
  13. Hug a bug.. that is… embrace the grinch.
  14. … Sloooooooow down. And not just when driving. Be where you are when
    you are and with whom you are. That’s where God is – you know?
  15. See a sunrise.
  16. Listen… to rain. It has a lot to say.
  17. Trust life. Life… is good… when you can get it!
  18. Have faith.
  19. Enjoy. Whatever you choose to do – enjoy doing it. It’s okay.
  20. Make some mistakes and…make sure you Learn from them.
  21. Explore the unknown. Be not afraid to BE NOT AFRAID…
  22. Celebrate your own life. You are worth it.
  23. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

Have a great Advent!
Father Ron