Posts by hsadmin (Page 28)

Pastor’s Desk 8.22.21

……from your Pastor’s Desk Since I always address this topic when it appears, and I am not with you now ‘in-person’ I will do so in writing. I want to get rid of the large elephant in the room. It entered during the 2nd reading for today’s Mass. From Ephesians 5:22 “Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord.”…

Pastor’s Desk 8.15.21

……from your Pastor’s Desk The Assumption of The BlessedVirgin Mary; Sunday, August 15 “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb ” – Luke 1:42 The feasts of Mary may be puzzling to the casual observer. And some are surprised at the brevity of the dogma of this specific feast in its entirety: “We pronounce, declare and…

Pastor’s Desk 8.8.21

……from your Pastor’s Desk Appreciating What We Have We all know people that are complainers. I know someone that if I said “I ‘d like to give you a hundred dollars” and handed her a Benjamin – she’d frown and say “Don’t you have 2 fifty’s ???” Well, we all do our fair share of complaining, and sometimes with good reason. We…

Pastor’s Desk 8.1.21

……from your Pastor’s Desk Hello friends. Here is something I found on the ‘net’ by Donagh O’Shea.I offer it because it addresses a most contemporary issue… Fr. Ron In my childhood an elderly farmer, renowned for early rising, used to sit in the village church while waiting for the creamery to open. No doubt he used to pray a bit, but he…