..from Pastor’s Desk (Page 12)

Pastor’s Desk 1.15.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King Junior. To some of us reading this, these names bring back memories of personal experiences during the turbulent times of the sixties and seventies; the start of the Civil Rights Movement, the Catholic Worker Houses and the beginning of the changes that are still in process today to make this…

Pastor’s Desk 1.8.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk Three Magi, Three Gifts for the Child-King If I asked you to think of the three worst things you ever did in your life, even if you didn’t want to admit them, you could come up with them pretty quickly – certainly one of them – instantly. Now – If I asked you to think of the three…

Pastor’s Desk 1.1.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Yes, thank you for all the Birthday and Christmas cards and your generous gifts and especially your prayers for me. I would not have gotten through this year with out them. I am looking forward to 2023 – for, ’The Best is Yet To Come’! Father Ron On this first day of…

Pastor’s Desk 12.25.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk For unto us this day is born a Savior – Christ is born for us! That is the clear message of our celebration today. Christ is born— He didn’t just ‘appear’ but was born, just as we were all born. We believe that Christ, although Divine, is truly human like us in all things except sin. Christ is…

Pastor’s Desk 12.18.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk Dearest Friends, With deep joy and gratitude, I extend to you my prayerful best wishes for a holy and blessed Christmas. During this Advent Season, it has been my prayer that each of you would find opportunities to reflect on your own faith and relationship with the Lord Jesus and His Church. I hope the ‘Little Blue Book’…

Pastor’s Desk 12.11.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk Happy Gaudete Sunday! Gaudete Sunday happens every year on the third Sunday of Advent. Back in the 1900’s, when many of us were born – up until the early 1960’s – the words were in Latin: “Gaudete, iterum dico vobis, ‘Gaudete.’” Which means; “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, Rejoice! And so, this Sunday is still…

Pastor’s Desk 12.4.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk People ask me what they can ‘do’ during Advent to make it more meaningful. Lent has pretty clear-cut things, but Advent – not so much. Here is a practical Advent ‘To-Do-List. Try a few each day, even random numbers. Your world and the world of those around you will be a better place. You’ll See. Have a great…

Pastor’s Desk 11.27.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk Setting the Stage for Our Advent Journey Today is the first day of the new Church year. It is also the first day of Advent. Advent is the 4-week period before Christmas when the Church celebrates the first coming of Christ and anticipates His second coming. “One of the best ways to prepare for the very special season…

Pastor’s Desk 11.20.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe This Feast Day is enhanced by asking, and answering, a few questions: Who is Jesus?What does He mean in your life?We call Him Messiah or Christ. Do those words mean anything to you personally?We call Him Savior, Redeemer and Lord. What effect does this have in your life?In…

Pastor’s Desk 11.13.22

…from your Pastor’s Desk END TIMES? Every year on the last Sunday of Ordinary Time – we have apocalyptical readings about the ‘End-Times. Truth is, we do not know when the Last Day will come, Christ does not tell us. But what He does tell us very clearly in the Holy Gospel today is not to listen to those who say the…