..from Pastor’s Desk (Page 3)

Pastor’s Desk 10.20.24

……from the Pastor’s Desk I love the fall. And as I quietly contemplate on what I might write, I watch dappled sunlight shifting through trees stirred by a warm, soft and gentle breeze. Leaves that are already on the cusp of turning into beautiful and stunning shades of gold and brown as winter awaits. It reminds me in the beat of a…

Pastor’s Desk 10.13.24

……from the Pastor’s Desk There is something appealing about the question in today’s gospel. It comes from a sincere young man who was serious about finding the way to eternal life. It is a serious question, “What must I do to gain eternal life?” He REALLY WANTS an answer. Interestingly enough – In his reply Jesus named a number of commandments, all…

Pastor’s Desk 10.6.24

……from the Pastor’s Desk This Sunday the readings invite us to consider marriage and the relationship between a man and a woman in marriage. Just a few years back that would not be even considered remotely controversial. Today, such a topic has so many challenges because; let’s face it, modern culture has changed the perception of marriage, the perception of commitment, the…

Pastor’s Desk 9.29.24

……from the Pastor’s Desk St. Francis and the Blessing of AnimalsSaturday, October 5th at 11 am in our plaza. As many of you already know, years ago, many Franciscan priests and brothers served in our Diocese. At one time they covered all of Lake County. And, as some of you also know, I, too, have a Franciscan background. There is still evidence…

Pastor’s Desk 9.22.24

……from the Pastor’s Desk… Some Truths are Hard to Hear Some questions are hard to ask. We can all struggle at times to listen to someone if what they say arouses painful emotions in us. They might be trying to tell us something about ourselves that we find difficult to hear. That very human tendency is reflected in the disciples in today’s…

Pastor’s Desk 9.15.24

……from the Pastor’s Desk… “Then Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.At this he turned around and, looking at his disciples,rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan.You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” This is part of this Sunday’s Gospel. It is one of those Scripture passages that leaves people somewhat puzzled. What is…

Pastor’s Desk 9.8.24

…from the Pastor’s Desk… This Wednesday will mark the twenty-third year since the September 11 (“9-11”) terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, New York City. Most of us can recall exactly where we were when we first heard of the attacks. But the details already fade. And, for those who were not yet born, it is ancient history. While the starkness…

Pastor’s Desk 9.1.24

…From Your Pastor’s Desk Labor Day: Monday, September 2, 2024 In 1981 Pope [Now Saint] John Paul II wrote Laborem Exercens (On Human Work). In it he affirmed that “The Church considers it her task always to call attention to the dignity and rights of those who work, to condemn situations in which that dignity and those rights are violated. And to…

Pastor’s Desk 8.25.24

…From Your Pastor’s Desk I want to get rid of the large elephant in the room. It entered during the 2nd reading for today’s Mass. From Ephesians 5:22 “Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord.” This reading ALWAYS captures the attention of married couples, since it is so often misunderstood. Women and men alike have related to me…

Pastor’s Desk 8.18.24

…From Your Pastor’s Desk Woman-Wisdom When people move into a new house or complete a restoration, they often have a little celebration to which they invite their friends. Once the house is to their satisfaction, they open it to others and provide refreshments. This is called a ’housewarming party’ – a good feast in the presence of others to be properly launched.…