..from Pastor’s Desk (Page 5)

Pastor’s Desk 4.21.24

…A Reflection by Sr. Candice Tucci, O.S.F. The stone rejected by the builders,becomes the cornerstone. Cornerstones are crucial to the integrity of the building. It is laid first to make sure of the building’s stability and is the rock upon which the weight of the whole stands strong. This one stone is crucial to the whole. Jesus the Christ is the Cornerstone…

Pastor’s Desk 4.14.24

And Now….The Rest… of… the Story Folks of a certain age will remember the Paul Harvey radio show called “The Rest of the Story.” Harvey always reserved until the last thing in his show a surprise ending to the story he had been reporting that week. Well, Sunday’s Gospel contains the surprise ending to a tale we all know well, the Emmaus…

Pastor’s Desk 4.7.24

…from the Pastor’s Desk “Thinking Thomas” – No Doubt. There is something to be said for doubt at times. It is a good thing to be able to doubt oneself, provided it doesn’t become an addiction that cripples us; to doubt one’s ideas, one’s principles, one’s work and to doubt much of what we hear. Although religion can provide emotionally unstable people…

Pastor’s Desk 3.31.24

…from the Pastor’s Desk HAPPY EASTER! A Happy Thought on a Happy Feast. Have you ever considered that this is the only time when people, even strangers, give a spiritually based greeting? Merry Christmas is often replaced by ‘Happy Holidays’ and ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ has become a secular salutation; but so far ‘Happy Easter’ stands firm in its acknowledgement of what we commemorate.…

Pastor’s Desk 3.24.24

…from your Pastor’s Desk This week we begin a time so sacred to us Catholics that it is called ‘Holy Week.’ It is true that as far as individual celebrations go, Christmas seems to overshadow Easter, but Holy Week is more than just Easter Sunday. Today’s Liturgy makes a diametrical shift from the celebration of our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem to…

Pastor’s Desk 3.17.24

…from your Pastor’s Desk Here is a ‘truism’ Every life worth living, every great work, has a price that has to be paid. And whatever that price is, it always involves letting go of something we value.The child, in a sense, has to let go of childhood to become an adult.The single have to let go of the ‘single’ lifestyle to become…

Pastor’s Desk 3.10.24

…from your Pastor’s Desk Here we are, half-way through Lent 2024. If you are like most of us – you’ve already struggled with your Lenten Resolutions – perhaps you have even flat out failed and fallen. Do not be discouraged – Christ Himself fell 3 times on His way to Calvary – but He got back up each time and so can…

Pastor’s Desk 3.3.24

…from your Pastor’s Desk MID-WAY. No, not the WWII battle or the Aircraft Carrier. This Thursday you will be mid-way through Lent 2024. How is it going? Have you been able to maintain your Lenten resolutions? I find myself doing a series of ‘re-starts’. I think God is okay with that. We do the best we can. But you may be asking…

Pastor’s Desk 2.25.24

…from your Pastor’s Desk “10 Things to Remember for Lent” Remember the formula. The Church does a good job capturing certain truths with easy-to-remember lists and formulas: 10 Commandments, 7 sacraments, 3 persons in the Trinity. For Lent, the Church gives us almost a slogan—Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving—as the three things we need to work on during the season. It’s a time…

Pastor’s Desk 2.18.24

…from your Pastor’s Desk Realigning Our Priorities All of us have, at one time or another, named certain things as our “priorities”. From time to time, when we become aware of our not doing something that is really important, we say, “I have to make that a priority.” Lent is an important time to do a top-to-bottom review of what we value…