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Click for 2024-2025

General Information about Faith Formation
Children’s Ministry
Preschool and Kindergarten (Not available at this time)
Available Sunday mornings during the 10:30 AM mass. The children will reflect on the Sunday lectionary readings through music, arts and crafts and prayer. Children must be registered to participate
Faith Formation Programs for 1st through 5th grade
Through Bible readings, arts and crafts, prayers, and catechetical lessons our children and families will receive materials and support to enrich their lives and faith journey each week over the school year. (Gatherings will be both on-line and in person as Covid restrictions allow.)
To foster the necessary understanding of faith at a child’s particular age level a minimum of two full consecutive years of catechetical instruction is to precede the reception of sacraments. Appropriate sacramental readiness, not chronological age or school grade will determine a child’s preparedness to encounter Christ in a sacramental celebration. (Diocese of Santa Rosa)

Preparation begins in 1st grade (or first year) in our regular Faith Formation program and continues with specific formation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion in the 2nd grade (or second year).

Preparation begins in the 6th grade (or first year) with the focus on Sacraments and the Bible. It then continues in 7th grade (or 2nd year) with the focus on the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Church, and the Holy Trinity. Any parent wishing to enroll an older child (3rd grade to high school) wanting to receive further Sacraments (i.e., Baptism, First Communion or First Reconciliation), may contact the Director of Faith Formation for more information. You and your child are invited to a period of Inquiry!

Welcomes all teens(grades 8th through 12th) Youth Ministry provides opportunities to explore who we are as Catholic Christians in our everyday lives, relax with some fun games and prayer. We meet weekly to provide support and friendship to each other in our journey of faith.
OCIA – Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly RCIA)

Can you relate to any of these questions?
- What do I have to do to become a Catholic?
- I was baptized Catholic, but that’s about it. How do I get my other Sacraments?
- My fiancée is Catholic, and we want to get married in the church, and I want to become a Catholic – what do I do?
- I’ve been out of the church for a while, but started coming back here and want to catch up on what’s been going on since I left – are there classes or something like that to find out?
- I am trying to be responsible in my obligation to raise my children Catholic – but I realize how much I don’t know about my own faith, how can I catch up to help them in their Religious Education?
- I was born and raised a Catholic and now that I am an adult, I want to learn more about who we are as Catholic’s, what we believe, and why we believe it, is there an adult study group for this?
- We have so many programs here for young children and teens – Is there a way adults can get together and learn about the church’s teaching on topics and issues of today?
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is a process by which one explores faith and life in the Catholic tradition. The Rite is modeled after the initiation process used in the first centuries of the early Church. It includes a combination of study, prayer and participation in the liturgy and certain rites at Mass. Participants, known as catechumens, undergo a process of conversion as they study the Gospel, profess their faith in Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and receive the Sacrament of Christian Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. How do we address this need, these questions? Contact the Director of Faith Formation for more information.