
Christmas & New Year’s Masses 2021

Christmas EveFriday, December 24th 5 pm (Children’s Mass)And 12 Midnight [Candle Mass] Christmas DaySaturday, December 25th 8:00 am and 10:30 am New Year’s Eve12 MidnightSolemnity of Mary, Mother of God New Year’s DaySolemnity of Mary, Mother of GodSaturday, January 1st 10:30 am New Year’s EveningEpiphany of The LordSaturday. January 1st 5:00 pm Epiphany of The LordSunday, January 2nd8:00 am and 10:30 am

Pastor’s Desk 3.9.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk Hello Friends,I was looking through the ‘Archives’ for an idea as to what to write in this ‘Pastor’s Desk’. I found this from three years ago. Strikingly poignant, it is. With the health issues of our beloved Pope Francis, the Russo-Ukrainian War, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the Yemeni Civil War, the Israeli-Gaza-Border Conflict, the Afghan Conflict, the Ethiopian Civil…

Pastor’s Desk 3.2.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk “Where have all the Flowers gone?” You’ve heard me say that Lent was not my favorite time of the year. I am, by nature, a jovial person. I love to laugh and smile, to joke and jest. So, as a lad in the 1950’s these did not go well with the Season as it was then observed. Through…

Pastor’s Desk 2.23.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk 2025 Lenten Schedule for Holy Spirit Parish Ash Wednesday March 5th Masses: 9am Mass and 6:30pm Mass. Daily Mass during Lent: Monday – Friday 9am. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament [Holy Hour] – 2 p.m. every Friday (Except Good Friday, April 18th) Stations of the Cross – every Friday [except Good Friday] at 3pm in church. April 11th…

Pastor’s Desk 2.16.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk The Four Beatitudes and the Four Woes Huh? Well, we are most familiar with the Eight Beatitudes that we hear in the Gospel of Mathew. But today we have Luke’s version.Why the difference? Read on. When spoken from the mountaintop in Matthew’s Gospel, we can’t miss the impression that Jesus is speaking with the authority and voice of…

Pastor’s Desk 2.9.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk To Raise the World The First Reading is about the call of Isaiah: “Whom shall I send?” The next two readings are about the apostles, those who were sent by Jesus to carry his message and carry on his work. Who are Jesus’ apostles in our world? Whom will God send today? When God wants to send a…

Pastor’s Desk 2.2.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk The Story of ‘Children’s Bread’ If you’ve been to the 10:30 mass here before, you’ve noticed that we do something special right after it. It is ‘Children’s Bread’. A few of you know the origins of this custom, and a few more have asked me to tell ‘the story’. So, here it goes. Back in the 1990’s one…

Pastor’s Desk 1.26.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk Here is The Golden Rule as it is written in eight religions: Baha’i: Blessed are those who prefer others before themselves.Buddhism: Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.Christianity: In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.Islam: No one is a believer…

Pastor’s Desk 1.19.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King Junior. To some of us reading this, these names bring back memories of personal experiences during the turbulent times of the sixties and seventies; the start of the Civil Rights Movement, the Catholic Worker Houses and the beginning of the changes that are still in process today to make this…

Pastor’s Desk 1.12.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk Baptism Requirements: If you attend the Sunday Morning Masses, especially the 10:30 Mass, you will notice an increased number of families. What a joy to see. And with families come young children and babies. And with babies and young children comes baptism! Accordingly we are including the basic requirements to have a child baptized in a parish. As…

Pastor’s Desk 1.5.25

……from the Pastor’s Desk Three Magi, Three Gifts for the Child-King If I asked you to think of the three worst things you ever did in your life, even if you didn‘t want to admit them, you could come up with them pretty quickly, certainly one of them, instantly. Now, if I asked you to think of the three best things you…