Posts (Page 18)

Pastor’s Desk 8.7.22

……from your Pastor’s Desk “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much….” When Jesus says these words about us, two questions immediately arise. First, what has Jesus entrusted us with? Second, what therefore will be required of us? Each of us, naturally, has been given the gift of life. In our day and age, this is not a gift that…

About This Week’s Video Mass

Hello Friends, Sorry there is no Video Mass this week. Our ‘Videographer’ tested positive for Covid. So, even though you can’t catch it from a Video, well, we here filming it would be a risk. However there is very good news. We are upgrading our system to allow ‘Live-Streaming’ which means you will get the full mass with Music and all!Details are…

Pastor’s Desk 7.31.22

……from your Pastor’s Desk Well, I told you last week that God hears and answers our prayers. And sometimes real fast! It wasn’t just a few weeks ago I mentioned that we are looking for several teachers for our Religious Education Program, and asked your prayers. Well – we found them – or, maybe, they found us. So, I asked each of…

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass 2022

PLEASE NOTE: To accompany the link to the Mass video, Father Ron is including the text to the Homily, immediately below. The link to the Mass video follows after the text of the homily. Hello friends, Part of the Homily was left off accidently – here is the text in full. The first reading seems a bit odd. Because – it appears the…

Pastor’s Desk 7.24.22

……from your Pastor’s Desk Ask and You Will Receive When you want something, do you pray to God for it? A lot of people in this country, even in these troubled times, do say that they “whisper a little prayer.” Excellent. Others put aside time each day for prayer or even for Mass. A number use the present web site to understand…

Pastor’s Desk 7.17.22

……from your Pastor’s Desk DON’T BE ANXIOUS In the prayers we used to use for Mass until a few years back – we prayed each day that we would be “Protected from all Anxiety”. Quite a task. Truly a request only God could answer. Much more than ‘Don’t Worry – Be Happy” [I must admit I loved that song when it was…

Pastor’s Desk 7.10.22

……from your Pastor’s Desk Beloved of God If we listen carefully to the readings this Sunday, we will hear the whole Christian and Catholic life very gently stated—even (or especially) in this post-covid world, complete with Ukraine and high inflation. In the First Reading Moses describes how simple God’s command is. I would like to quote his words because they are beautiful.…