Posts (Page 9)

Pastor’s Desk 8.20.23

Food for Dogs? Sunday’s Gospel can give a headache both to preachers and to people in the pews. Jesus refuses to hear a woman because she is, in his metaphor, one of the “dogs.” OUCH. You know the story. The Canaanite woman cries out for help and Jesus at first will not even talk to her. The disciples demand that he send…

Pastor’s Desk 8.13.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk Where do you find God? Only in church? Only while praying? Only in times of need or distress? Only in those we expect to be holy or pious people? Too often we look to great people and to the events in our lives to find God, as if our encounters with God have to meet certain standards and…

Pastor’s Desk 8.6.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk Transfiguration This week we have the wonderful gospel of the Transfiguration of Jesus. For one brief moment, his disciples are allowed to see what lies ahead for all who follow his way. We begin our own ‘transfiguration’ while still on earth, not so much achieving a ‘glorified body’, but transforming our heart, our spirit, our soul into the…

Pastor’s Desk 7.30.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk Jesus said to his disciples:“The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field,which a person finds and hides again,and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchantsearching for fine pearls.When he finds a pearl of great price,he goes and sells all…

Pastor’s Desk 7.23.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk We are a storytelling people and we come from a storytelling faith, and we get it from the Man Himself. We know that Jesus was the Master storyteller, and He often used a form called a “parable,” in which a truth is compared to something very familiar. Last Sunday we had the sower and the seeds. Today, Jesus…

Pastor’s Desk 7.16.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk Start up your time-machines or jump into your DeLorean – because we are going ‘Back To The Future’. Here is an excerpt from our Parish bulletin dated July 13, 2014. Which was, coincidentally, the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A – just like this weekend. And which, coincidently, was the first weekend of my assignment here. So……

Pastor’s Desk 7.9.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am meek and humble of heart;and you will find rest for yourselves.For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” Today’s gospel should give us comfort when we feel down and out. If we…

Pastor’s Desk 7.2.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk The Love of the Lord In the Gospel Reading, Jesus seems to recommend an inhuman attitude: you are not to love your mother or father or your child more than Jesus. In fact, you are not to love your own life more than Jesus. If you do, you will lose what you love. What does it even mean…

Pastor’s Desk 6.25.23

Taking Life Seriously In the Gospel, Jesus encourages us as follows: “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid.” God pays attention to each of us. God knows us each in the tiniest detail!…

Pastor’s Desk 6.18.23

…from your Pastor’s Desk HAPPY FATHER’S DAY I am constantly amazed at how God can bring good out of bad. Case in point, I can’t tell you how many fathers got to spend time with their children during the time of Covid. Unplanned, of course, but to see them in the courtyard with their little ones teaching them to ride a bike,…