Sunday’s Readings: Baruch 5:1-9; Psalms 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6; Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11; Luke 3:1-6
……from the Pastor’s Desk
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This Feast always falls on December 8th. But this year, December 8th is a Sunday. So, since it is such an integral Feast to our Faith – the Church has moved her Feast day to this Monday, December 9th.
So, what is this feast all about? So, let us look deeper into it.
From the first moment of her existence Mary is sinless; the single member of our race conceived without Original Sin.
Before the foundation of the world, God chose Mary and gave her every spiritual blessing and chose her to be the Mother of God’s Only Son. Mary, a young, unknown, and already betrothed peasant virgin chosen before time for this glorious and ‘salvific’ role.
OCIA Order of Christian Initiation for
Adults—December 11th from 7-8pm
Adult Education : This week we will cover one of the two most controversial, misunderstood and misrepresented figures in Roman Catholicism— Mary of Nazareth. We will speak of her role in salvific history, both in Scripture and Tradition. We will speak of her as The Immaculate Conception – and address her Assumption, body and soul, into heaven as well as her perpetual virginity and why our Church has such strong teachings on these. We will also look at the world-wide devotion to her and the prayers, novena’s, medals most associated with her intercession. Mary is our patroness and a significant figure during this Holy Season of Advent.
So – please come join us
And, as always: ALL ARE WELCOME!
Taught by Fr. Ron. The following class will
be January 8th. 7-8 pm in the church
Consider attending if you are interested in becoming Catholic, are an adult seeking the Sacraments, or would like more information about your Catholic faith.
Likewise, before the foundation of the world God also chose US and gave US every spiritual blessing and chose US to be God’s own dwelling place and the Body of Christ on earth; ourselves, so ordinary, so human.
How can we respond adequately to God’s choice of us? By doing what Mary did- by saying…Yes! Yes – to what God asks of each of us. From generation to generation we have looked to Mary as our model as she herself prayed: “May it be done to me according to Your Word”
Let us Pray: Mary, Model, Mother, Advocate, help us with our saying “yes’. On your feast we beg you for your intercession that your Son be born anew in us this Advent!

Fr. Ron