Pastor’s Desk 4.21.24

…A Reflection by Sr. Candice Tucci, O.S.F.

The stone rejected by the builders,
becomes the cornerstone.

Cornerstones are crucial to the integrity of the building. It is laid first to make sure of the building’s stability and is the rock upon which the weight of the whole stands strong. This one stone is crucial to the whole. Jesus the Christ is the Cornerstone of our faith communities. He who was once rejected, rose from the dead and we can rejoice with this gift of everlasting life.

Have you ever been rejected? Perhaps from applications for a job, college, medical school or another academic program that your dreams rested upon? Perhaps by a turned down marriage proposal? By a parent? Lost an election? I recall the times I lost an election. Other times when I applied for jobs, went through multiple interviews, and was not chosen. That was hard. Then, one application finally came through. It was the right fit for me and me for it. It was where I was meant to be at the right time in my life. Trusting in the process, dying to some dreams opened me up to new life, new experiences in a place where my gifts and talents were appreciated, accepted and seen as essential to the mission.

In view of all of these potential rejections, it is important to know how much we know about ourselves, and to remember where we come from and that we are a work in progress.

John tells us who we are in the second reading.

Beloved, we are God’s children now

What we shall be has not yet been revealed.

We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him.

For we shall see him as he is.

How do we see Him? A shepherd?

Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd.” He knows who he is and what it means to be a “good shepherd.” Jesus grew in self-knowledge, and knowledge of his mission, his work and who he served.

I am the good shepherd.

And I know mine and mine know me…

He also seemed to know that his God, Father, would give him all he needed to carry out his mission. In relationship with “His Father.” It seems he knew of himself as the cornerstone and the consequences of the weight on his shoulders. “Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father, I will lay down my life…in order to take it up again…

That weight was lifted on Easter as the stone at his tomb was removed! A weight lifted for everyone with his Resurrection!

We live the Paschal Mystery within our daily lives. These 50 days of Easter provide us with hope and confidence as we find Jesus in our ordinary lives. It provides a time for us to reflect upon the whole Easter event and where we might find him in unexpected ways or places.

I wonder? Perhaps he is a Shepherd? A farmer? A parent? A manager? A supervisor, elected official, someone in leadership that looks out after those they are to serve? Will we find Him in a courtroom, classroom, ER, grocery story, gas station, on the curb or road? Whatever the role or position we might hold, or place we may be, are we grounded in loving the people we are to care for and to serve? Can we be Jesus for others? See Jesus before us? As Psalm 118 says, will it be wonderful in our eyes? Is this how we will know Him?

Jesus gives us the example. Jesus is for everyone and finds no differences in serving, living, or working with, and loving those different from ourselves regardless of race, and gender. All are one.

I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold.

These too I must lead…

Who is Jesus for you? Is Jesus the Cornerstone of your faith? Your Life? Where do you find Him?

Let us pray (Excerpt from Psalm 118)

I will give thanks to you,
for you have answered me
and have been my savior.
The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.
By the LORD has this been done;
it is wonderful in our eyes…
his kindness endures forever.