Upcoming Events

Grief Support Group

Grief is so disorienting and touches each of us.  If you are experiencing a loss and would like the support and comfort of a group of parishioners who share fellowship and center their focus on the Word of God, join us! For more information, call 707.539.4495. We typically meet the first Wednesday of every month…

Bible Reflections: The Good News Journey!

Bible Study: The Good News Journey!An opportunity to learn and share First and Third Wednesdays of the MonthBeginning October 16, 20247-8 pm at Holy Spirit Catholic Churchwith Kenn Vondrak Holy Spirit Church is starting a new bible study exploring the weekly readings to create an environment that will increase understanding of the wisdom and spirituality found within the Gospels and how it…

OCIA Order of Christian Initiation

*NOTE CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Taught by Fr. Ron Serban. Consider attending OCIA (formerly RCIA) if you would like to become Catholic, are an unconfirmed adult, or would like more information about your Catholic faith. We will meet the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at the church from 7-8 pm with time for questions afterward.

FRIDAY Parish Polenta Dinner

Doors open at 6:00PM Dinner to follow …..what’s polenta?Open to all-a HSMC FundraiserPurchase Advanced Tickets only please Details TBD. Please see bulletin that is published and also posted on the website prior to the dinner.

Men’s Club Meeting – Dinner

Monthly Men’s club meeting and dinner – social event. For details, please see bulletin that is published and also posted on the website prior to the meeting.

Women’s Club Meeting – Dinner

Monthly Women’s club meeting and dinner – social event. For details, please see bulletin that is published and also posted on the website prior to the meeting.

MONDAY St Patrick’s Day Dinner

Doors open at 6 PM/Dinner to follow @ 7:15PMOpen to all adultsPurchase Advanced Tickets only please Details TBD. Please see bulletin that is published and also posted on the website prior to the dinner.

Victorian Tea

Women’s Club Victorian Tea Details TBD. Please see bulletin that is published and also posted on the website prior to the event.